Asian Carp Invasion
The establishment of invasive Asian carp in the Great Lakes is an alarming prospect. The public’s ability to identify these invasive fish might just stop it from happening.
Project Summary
The establishment of a population of invasive Asian carp in the Great Lakes would be truly alarming: we would see fewer and smaller native fishes, degraded wetlands, and adverse effects on the ecosystems which all Canadians cherish. This freshwater treasure, worth more than 7 billion dollars annually to the economy would be in jeopardy.
The establishment needs to be prevented and the task of keeping the Asian carp at bay is being spearheaded by the Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada. Their efforts to document and monitor the establishment continue to safeguard our waterways, but preventing the establishment is about more than that. The ability to identify these invasive fish by the public is a critical aspect.
Through a collaboration with ROM Biodiversity, a centre at the Royal Ontario Museum in Toronto, Evermaven worked with the DFO and the ROM to produce an animated video about the threat of Asian carp establishment. The video is an educational tool that explains the issue to the public, teaches them how to recognize and ID these fish, and what actions to take when they do so.
Project Services
- Art Direction
- Script Writing
- Illustration
- Animation